Fast & Furious
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Susan L Combs - Combs & Company, LLC
Allison De Paoli - Altiqe
Kimberly Eckelbarger - Tropical Benefits
Colleen Blum - Combs & Company, LLC
Allison De Paoli - Altiqe
Kimberly Eckelbarger - Tropical Benefits
Colleen Blum - Combs & Company, LLC

Join us for this fun and fast-paced session, where attendees will share their best idea or piece of business advice in 60 seconds or less. The audience will vote for the $50 winner live. And everyone walks away with over 50 strategic ideas that can be implemented immediately. Advance signup not required.