Afternoon Keynote - How To Breathe New Life Into The Healthcare System
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Medical science has entered a golden age, but the keys to life are not all locked in the laboratory. This presentation will explore the new frontiers of medicine and science, tectonic shifts that are occurring as a result of technological advances, precision medicine, AI and consumer-centric care. Key elements of improving health in the United States will be discussed, including ensuring access to health care for all Americans, provisions of the Affordable Care Act health reform legislation, and recent actions that are affecting its implementation. Recommendations will be provided for how to put “health” back into the health care system, suggesting some innovative solutions that can be implemented to enhance the health of our nation.
Keynote Speaker: Susan Blumenthal, Former Assistant Surgeon General & Health Expert